Author / Creator: Neill Watson

Neill Watson is an author, entrepreneur and creative content producer who has worked for brands including Warner Music, Warner Bros, Disney, Sony Pictures and Virgin. He enjoys developing new creative and technology ideas then delivering them to the world.
Although most importantly a Dad to Sofia, who inspired him to create the Muzicoz in the many enjoyable evenings reading lots of amazing children’s books together.
Illustrator: Nicola Guest

Nicola Guest is an illustration, designer an animator based in the UK.
She has enjoyed working with with some of the world’s well-known brands including – Nickelodeon, The National Trust, BBC, and Comedy Central.
Nicola currently enjoys working on freelance projects, running her online store and raising her young children.

The Muzicoz are lively, fun and their colourful world will have children laughing, singing, dancing and thinking about sound, music and colour in an imaginative new way.